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Adventure Dragon Class 探龙班
Non-Chinese Background
Age 6+
Learning Pinyin (Chinese Phonics)
Common Chinese characters and structure
Daily conversations and culture awareness
Simple grammar and punctuations
Solid foundation supporting outcomes
Trackable progress throughout the journey
Adventure Dragon Class is tailored for children after completing the Pearl Class - suggested for 3 terms+. Supported by the strong evidence published in various scientific researches of how Kinesthetic Learners learn, Adventure Dragon Class developed it's unique approach of involving over 70% of its class time on hands-on experience of touching, smelling, watching, listening, and have all the activities tied up into intriguing stories. Adventure Dragon Class has nine levels, which are carefully designed to take your child to different adventures packed with fresh knowledge, and most importantly navigating through the Chinese language with fun.
North Finchley: Sunday from 10:00 depending on level
East Finchley: Saturday 10:00-11:00
Watford: Sunday 14:00-15:00
£195/term (10 lessons per term)
*Please click here to find our full class timetable.
Adventure Dragon Class eBook