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Covid-19 Information
We hope you and your families are all well. In response to the government guideline, Giggling Panda’s approach is to continuously evaluate the situation with the intention to bring all of our students back to classroom environment gradually. We have worked extremely hard with each school site in order to minimise the risk of contraction during our classes. We are therefore operating below guidance on protection and control measures.
1. One Way System
Parents will need to Exit the building via the ground floor fire exit. This is located at the bottom of the steps from the Sixth form block take the immediate left then right out of the fire exit doors and follow the one-way system which will allow them to walk outside and back to the car park.
Signage of arrows will be displayed to show the clear direction for your convenience. Please watch below two videos for more information.
2. No Parents Waiting Policy
There will be no waiting or rest area at any of our school sites, and the car park is only for drop-off and pick-up purpose, all parents are required to leave the school site while your child is having lesson.
3. 15 mins Class Gap
There is a 15 minutes gap between each lesson in order to allow parents drop-off/pick-up child without contacting other parents.
4. Surface cleaning
Areas that are contacted by students and teacher including tables and chairs will be cleaned before and after each class by our teachers, the toilets and washrooms hygiene will be maintained by the caretakers of the school site.​
5. Cleaning Procedure
We will provide hand sanitiser to each child before/after the lesson.
6. Classroom Ventilation and Individual Desks
Classrooms will be well ventilated and arranged with individual desks facing forward. Please refer below our Pirate Class Level 9 video for your information.
7. Face Covering Requirement
Primary school age children do not need to wear a face covering. However, if a pupil would feel more comfortable moving around the school wearing a face covering, they will be allowed to do so. In response a resent policy update at some of our other sites, we have decided to universally ask all of our parents to wear face coverings while inside of buildings.
8. Class Bubble Rules
We will minimise interaction between different classes and classrooms will be assigned to every teacher.
9. Social Distancing
Teachers will stay physically distant from the children and when required will limit the amount of time spent in close contact (within two meters) to under fifteen minutes. We will spend considerable time reinforcing these messages in school and your collaboration in doing the same at home would be most welcome.
10. Unwell Reporting Protocol
Any child who is symptomatic (fever or persistent cough or loss of smell or taste) or who has someone in their household or same class classmate in full time school who is symptomatic, should stay at home. All pupils and households of pupils in an education setting who are symptomatic will have access to testing for the whole household. We require parents to keep us informed of the test results.
We will continue to work with you to ensure safety remains the top priority under our supervision at Giggling Panda, please do not hesitant to get in touch if you have any queries.
Giggling Panda Chinese School