Welcome Back!
It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back in school last weekend. The classrooms resounded with children’s laughter once again. We cannot wait to share the joyful moments with you!
This weekend marks the end of the Spring term, the brand-new Summer term will start in a week’s time, from 08/09 May.
Summer Term 2021
08/09 May - 10/11 July
Summer Holiday 7 weeks (17/18 July - 28/29 August)
Please reconfirm your child’s place to the next level by next Monday 3rd May 2021.
It is vital for all children to return to school to minimise the longer-term impact of the pandemic on children’s education, wellbeing and wider development, this consensus that being widely shared by the education sector and parents of Giggling Panda.
As has been our policy to date, we aim to continue following government advice and according, will aim to balance minimising risk with delivering full educational experience for our children. Please refer to our website https://www.gigglingpanda.co.uk/covid-19 and the previous parents email for the latest updates.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend.